Calling all UAE residents! Get ready for an extraordinary summer adventure as The National Aquarium (TNA) at Al Qana unveils an irresistible 30% discount, allowing you to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the region’s largest Aquarium at a pocket-friendly price. For just AED 77, dive into a world teeming with over 330 species of captivating marine life, explore National Geographic’s Pristine Seas exhibition, and experience the enchanting Bella and Rio edutainment zone designed for children.

Situated in Al Qana, Abu Dhabi’s most thrilling waterfront destination, The National Aquarium offers a spectacular showcase of aquatic wonders. Discover a symphony of colors and textures as you wander through the breathtaking exhibits, encountering an array of fascinating marine creatures and other animals. This exclusive summer offer allows UAE residents to indulge in the awe-inspiring marine life and deepen their understanding of the ocean and its diverse inhabitants.

As an added bonus, visitors will have the opportunity to explore National Geographic’s Pristine Seas exhibition, an awe-inspiring showcase that emphasizes the significance of marine protected areas (MPAs) in preserving and restoring the world’s oceans. The exhibition beautifully complements The National Aquarium’s commitment to educating visitors about marine conservation, offering valuable insights into the delicate balance of our marine ecosystems.

Prepare to be captivated by over 330 species of marine life, including majestic sharks, graceful rays, and enchanting turtles, as you navigate the Aquarium’s immersive exhibits. Engage in interactive experiences that bring you closer to the wonders of the deep, and venture into the Bella and Rio Interactive Playground. Nestled within the Flooded Forest area, this delightful zone is named after the beloved Hyacinth Macaws of TNA, Bella and Rio. Designed to ignite curiosity and learning, the playground invites children to embark on a journey of discovery, unlocking fascinating facts about animals and the rainforest through a series of exciting games.

Paul Hamilton, the General Manager at TNA, expressed his delight in offering this limited discount to UAE residents, stating, “We want to encourage families to delve into the wonders of the ocean, expanding their understanding of marine habitats and discovering ways to contribute to their conservation. By combining the Aquarium’s enlightening journey with National Geographic exhibits and our engaging edutainment programs, we aim to inspire our visitors to become stewards of ocean preservation while enjoying unforgettable family moments.”

Don’t miss out on this remarkable opportunity to embark on an underwater adventure unlike any other. The National Aquarium’s summer discount is valid until 22nd June, allowing UAE residents to unlock the secrets of the deep and cultivate a love for marine life. Immerse yourself in the mysteries of the ocean, ignite your curiosity, and become an advocate for ocean preservation—all while creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

Visit the Website for more details.