Tribute to Jean-Paul Belmondo (1933-2021)
Jean-Paul Belmondo passed away on September 6th, aged 88. The face of the French “New Wave” Cinema. As described by Tarantino, “Belmondo represents supercoolness”! He starred in more than 80 movies, including masterpieces by famous directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut, Claude Lelouch, or Jean-Pierre Melville. His loss is a real hit to the French culture scene.
As a tribute to Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alliance Française Dubai is organizing the screening of
“That Man from Rio”, a fun, action movie for all family members.
Alliance Française Dubai host a program of French and Francophone cinema at its Theatre, in Oud Metha, on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Cinema at Alliance is an exciting program of films for adults and children; a fine array of dramas, comedies, recent and classic.
All movies are shown in original language with English subtitles.
Alliance Française Dubai Theatre offers the same comfort as any other mainstream cinema room. Sanitary rules apply.
See movies program and calendar for October 2021 below.
Timing – Thursday at 5pm, Saturday at 3pm (children) and 5pm, 7pm on Sunday, as indicated below.
Where – Alliance Française Dubai Theatre, Oud Metha (in the vicinity of Healthcare City)
Free for AF students; AED 15 for AF members; AED 35 for non-members.
Online booking on
• Tel: +97143358712
• WhatsApp: +971562180546
• email:
Movies program OCTOBER 2021
Louise en hiver / Louise by the Shore by Jean-François Laguionie, animated movie, France, 2016, 1h15min (for children starting from 8 years old)
On the last day of summer, elderly Louise realizes that the last train has departed without her, and she finds herself alone in a small seaside resort town. The weather quickly turns for the worse, and the fragile and coquettish woman is not prepared to make it through the winter. She takes her abandonment as a challenge, and she is determined to survive by confronting the elements as well as her memories.
Saturday 2 October at 3 pm
Saturday 16 October at 3 pm
Saturday 30 October at 3 pm
L’Autre continent / Territory of Love by Romain Cogitore with Paul Hamy, Déborah François, Vincent Perez, Michel Vuillermoz, France, 2019, 1h30min
Maria is 30 years old, she is free, impatient, rebellious, and an expert in Dutch. Olivier is the same age, he is slow, shy and speaks fourteen languages. They meet in Taiwan. And then suddenly, the thunderous news. That’s their story. The story of the incredible power of love. And that of its confines, where everything begins to unravel. Except Maria.
Saturday 2 October at 5 pm
Sunday 10 October at 7 pm
Thursday 21 October at 5 pm
Saturday 30 October at 5 pm
That Man from Rio / L’Homme de Rio by Philippe De Broca with Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Servais, Simone Renant, Françoise Dorléac / France, 1963, 1h52min

French military man Adrien Dufourquet (Jean-Paul Belmondo) gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnes (Françoise Dorléac). But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father’s partner, museum curator Professor Catalan (Jean Servais), has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnes pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.
Sunday 3 October at 7 pm
Thursday 14 October at 5 pm
Saturday 23 October at 5 pm
Sunday 31 October at 7 pm
Soundiata Keita, le réveil du lion / Soundiata Keita, the waking of the lion by Kan Souffle, animated movie, Ivory Coast, 2014, 1h10min (for children starting from 7 years old)

Thirteenth century in the kingdom of Mandé. Soundiata is a young prince of 25 years disabled of both legs. Despite this his father, the King Naré Maghan set him as the heirdom of the throne. Indeed, according to a prophecy, Soundiata would be the one who would make Mande the greatest empire in Africa.
Saturday 9 October at 3 pm
Saturday 23 October at 3 pm
Enormous / Énorme by Sophie Letourneur with Marina Foïs, Jonathan Cohen, Jacqueline Kakou, France, 2020, 1h40min

They are a banal but unusual couple: she is a concert pianist of international renown who lives only for her art, he, her agent, is at her service, protecting her from all the daily worries. And then it takes her suddenly at 40: Frédéric wants a baby, Claire she never wanted one and they were in agreement about that. He does the unforgivable and makes a child behind her back. Claire turns into a whale and Frédéric becomes a dwarf.
Saturday 9 October at 5 pm
Sunday 17 October at 7 pm
Thursday 28 October at 5 pm
La Nuit des rois / Night of the Kings by Philippe Lacôte with Bakary Koné, Steve Tientcheu, Rasmane Ouedraogo, Issaka Sawadogo, Ivory Coast, France, canada, 2020, 1h33min

A young man is sent to “La Maca”, a prison of Ivory Coast in the middle of the forest ruled by its prisoners. With the red moon rising, he is designated by the Boss to be the new “Roman” and must tell a story to the other prisoners.
Saturday 16 October at 5 pm
Sunday 24 October at 7 pm
Alliance Française Dubai
Founded in 1983, Alliance Française Dubai’s mission is to promote create and offer innovative and unique programs in education and the arts that explore the evolving diversity and richness of Francophone cultures. “We seek to generate new ideas and promote cross-cultural dialogue through partnerships and new platforms of expression”, says Mélanie Martini-Mareel, Director of Alliance Française Dubai.
Located in Oud Metha district and in Dubai Knowledge Park, Alliance Française has been the destination for starting, maintaining, and perfecting French language skills in a supportive, immersive, and culturally-rich setting. With a team of 30 qualified native French-speaking teachers, AF offer a large range of courses, including specialised courses, private tuition, workshops, immersion days, workshops and more. Enjoying the patronage and support of the French Consulate General in Dubai, AF Dubai is the Official and largest language institution for French in Dubai and in the Middle East with over 3500 registrations a year for all ages of student.
Alliance Française is the only accredited and official examination centre to conduct all the diplomas such as DELF and DALF, TCF, TEF and TCF Canada (operated by France Education International).
Through an unparalleled range of cultural events including live performances, film screenings, panel discussions, workshops, and gallery exhibitions, AF invites Dubai residents of all ages and backgrounds to engage with the best of French culture.
AF is home to the largest private French library in the UAE, La Mediathèque, holding about 20,000 books, DVDs and video games.
Alliance Française Dubai Oud Metha is home to a 110-seat theatre promoting cinema and independent movies for all audience.
Alliance Française engage as well with various Dubai schools to educate children about the 7th art, develop their knowledge and open their minds to the French and francophone cinema industry.
More info – Ossama El Shammaa / Mobile: +971503826689