Dubai’s buzzing cultural scene is gearing up for a theatrical spectacle that’s not just about the script but about diving deep into the raw, tangled mess of human emotions. Scheduled for Jan 13, 2024, at The Dubai Heights Academy Auditorium in Al Barsha, ‘Thirty Days in September’ by Mahesh Dattani promises an intimate exploration of life’s complexities.

Director Sanjeev Dixit peeks behind the curtain, teasing, “This play isn’t just a story; it’s a journey through hidden emotions and buried memories of its characters.” It’s like they’re inviting us to take a peek into a world of tangled feelings and unsaid truths.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill play—it’s a maze of memories, a dive into how we trick ourselves with half-truths to avoid the harsh reality. Rashmi Kotriwala, who not only produces but embodies Shanta’s character, spills, “Playing Shanta has been like stumbling into an emotional labyrinth. Get ready; this story won’t just pass you by—it’ll tug at your heartstrings.”

Stepping into Deepak’s shoes, Allinson Aranha shares, “It’s not just about acting; it’s about unraveling pieces of ourselves. This play is like a mirror, reflecting our own tangled emotions back at us.” It’s as if he’s hinting that this isn’t just a performance—it’s a mirror to our own complexities.

Mala, portrayed by the talented Lavania Jiju, emerges as a beacon of resilience amidst life’s shadows. Lavania reflects, “Peeling through Mala’s layers wasn’t a walk in the park, but understanding her journey to self-discovery breathed life into her character. I can’t wait to see how everyone connects with Mala’s story.”

It’s an emotional rollercoaster that promises to linger in your thoughts long after the final act. Brace yourself for an immersive experience that’s not just about watching a play but diving headfirst into the tangled web of human emotions.

Event : Thirty Days in September
Date & Time : Saturday 13th January 2024 at 7:00 pm
Venue : The Dubai Heights Academy Auditorium, Al Barsha.
Tickets : Available on Platinumlist
Language : English