In the heart of Dubai, where the culinary scene constantly evolves, a revolution is underway. Meet Krasota Dubai, the latest offering from the White Rabbit Family alliance and their debut venue in Dubai’s Address Downtown Hotel. This avant-garde dining concept is set to redefine the gastronomic landscape in the Middle East, blending haute cuisine with cutting-edge multimedia technology and artificial intelligence-powered visual fine arts.

At the helm of Krasota Dubai’s culinary journey is the acclaimed Chef Vladimir Mukhin, curating an eight-course degustation menu that’s nothing short of extraordinary. However, what truly sets Krasota apart is its ‘Imaginary Art’ show, a mesmerizing fusion of interactive, world-renowned paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries, set to a backdrop of immersive multimedia content that complements each course, creating a dining experience like no other.

Imagine stepping into the gastro-theatre, an intimate setting accommodating just 20 diners per show, in a panoramic 360-degree rotunda room. This cylindrical arena and circular table posed a significant technical challenge, merging and coordinating the images of 20 projectors seamlessly onto curved walls and tables, all without casting shadows. The result? A window-like effect that transports you into the heart of the artwork.

Each guest is provided with an individual high-precision projector, ensuring a pixel-perfect display on their table. Machine vision cameras add an element of real-time interaction, allowing you to play with the projected elements on your table, blurring the line between reality and fantasy. During the dessert course, inspired by Kazimir Malevich’s ‘Black Square,’ AI follows your every gesture as you interact with your dessert, creating a truly magical experience.

The visionary behind Krasota’s visual art is Anton Nenashev, working alongside founder Boris Zarkov. Their goal is clear: to combine exceptional taste, pixel-perfect visuals, and storytelling into an immersive adventure for all five senses. “We aimed to go beyond the conventional fine-dining format, making it a complete story, immersing visitors in the heart of each scene,” explained Anton.

But innovation doesn’t stop here. Krasota Dubai’s team is committed to pushing boundaries further, constantly exploring new technologies to incorporate into their dining experiences. The upcoming season’s show, ‘Imaginary Future,’ will feature a scene entirely created by neural networks, offering a glimpse into potential future scenarios of human life.

Krasota Dubai’s immersive gastro-theatre isn’t just redefining dining; it’s setting new standards for innovation in the industry. There’s still time to catch the ‘Imaginary Art’ show before a brand-new season begins in the autumn – stay tuned for more mind-bending culinary adventures!

Experience the complete package at Krasota, featuring a set of welcome appetizers, eight delectable courses, and eight visually stunning acts, all accompanied by two signature cocktails served during intervals. The show’s duration is approximately 2.5 hours, promising an unforgettable journey for your senses!

Bookings beforehand are essential, and tickets are available via or by calling the Krasota Dubai restaurant Box Office at +971 4433-12-58.

For show timings and further information, please visit .