• Smart Salem launches AI-powered test revealing the secrets of your gut microbiome in the UAE.
  • 75% prioritize gut health, but only 2% have ever tested their microbiome.
  • This advanced test offers insights into digestive, heart, brain, and immune health.
  • Take control of your gut health with personalized recommendations and expert guidance.

Imagine peering into a hidden world within you, a universe teeming with trillions of tiny creatures impacting your overall health. Thanks to Smart Salem, a leading UAE medical center, this exploration is now possible! They’ve unveiled a revolutionary AI-powered gut microbiome test, offering a deeper understanding of your digestive ecosystem.

Smart Salem’s research exposes a fascinating – and slightly concerning – truth: while 75% of UAE residents consider gut health a top priority, a mere 2% have ever taken a microbiome test. This disconnect highlights the need for proactive gut health management.

Smart Salem’s test goes beyond the ordinary. Utilizing cutting-edge AI and whole-genome shotgun sequencing, it delves deep into your gut’s microbial makeup, identifying hundreds of species and their potential impact on your health. Think of it as a personalized roadmap to gut health optimization!

This innovative test isn’t just about bloating and indigestion. By analyzing the potential of your gut microbes to produce health-influencing metabolites, it offers insights into digestive, heart, kidney, brain, and even immune health.

“A healthy gut is the foundation of a strong immune system,” says Smart Salem’s Clinical Dietician Helen Conway. “This test empowers people to understand and improve their gut microbiome, leading to significant positive impacts on overall health.”

Smart Salem’s comprehensive gut microbiome test takes four weeks and costs AED 2,500. It includes a detailed report on your gut’s microbial landscape, personalized dietary recommendations, and a one-hour consultation with a certified dietician to unpack the results and craft a gut-centric wellness plan.

Unlock the secrets of your gut and unlock a path to a healthier you!

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