Aspiring entrepreneurs and established business leaders across India, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, rejoice! The Gulf Maharashtra Business Forum (GMBF) Global proudly announces MAHABIZ 2024, a premier business conclave designed to ignite connections, accelerate growth, and foster collaboration within the dynamic entrepreneurial landscape.

Held under the esteemed patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Jawahar Bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, MAHABIZ 2024 promises to be a landmark event, convening over 700 delegates in Dubai on February 24th and 25th. Themed “Connect with Opportunities to Progress,” the conclave serves as a potent platform for forging meaningful partnerships, acquiring valuable knowledge, and securing essential funding to propel businesses forward.

Ambitious minds from across India, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa converge. At MAHABIZ 2024, this vision becomes reality. Whether you seek funding to fuel your startup dreams, crave wisdom from industry titans, or yearn to forge powerful partnerships, this conclave has you covered. Access a diverse pool of investors, immerse yourself in expert-led workshops, and learn from seasoned entrepreneurs sharing their invaluable insights. Dive into interactive panel discussions and inspiring keynote addresses, unlocking practical strategies to propel your business forward.

But MAHABIZ 2024 goes beyond the essentials. Network with a dynamic community of fellow risk-takers, fostering synergies and collaborations that empower mutual growth and expand market reach. Hone your skills in specialized workshops tailored to specific industry challenges and opportunities. Gain cutting-edge knowledge, acquire actionable insights, and navigate the ever-evolving business landscape with newfound confidence.

This year, the event gains added significance thanks to the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and the UAE. This groundbreaking agreement unlocks exciting new avenues for collaboration and trade, offering participants unparalleled opportunities to explore cross-border partnerships and expand their businesses internationally.

Dr. Sunil Manjarekar, President of GMBF Global, reiterates the organization’s unwavering commitment: “MAHABIZ 2024 embodies our dedication to empowering the global business community. We are confident this event will serve as a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and progress, not only for participating businesses but for the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience! Register now and join the vibrant community of innovators at MAHABIZ 2024. Be a part of something extraordinary, forge your path to success, and connect with opportunities that propel you towards progress.

Remember, the time to act is now. Register today and unlock the boundless potential that awaits at MAHABIZ 2024.

Registration Link:

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