In a heartfelt response to the challenges posed by recent severe rainfall in the UAE, Home Centre has launched the “Restore, Rebuild, Renew” campaign. This initiative, created in collaboration with the Channel4 Radio Network, is dedicated to supporting the UAE community as it recovers from the unexpected natural disaster. Together, these homegrown brands aim to bring solace and stability back into the lives of those most affected.

The campaign was announced on April 24, 2024, during a period when many residents are still grappling with the aftermath of the floods. To aid in these recovery efforts, Home Centre is generously providing AED 3000 vouchers to families and individuals impacted by the flooding. These vouchers can be used at any Home Centre location across the nation, allowing people to replace, repair, or replenish furnishings and other home essentials lost or damaged during the floods.

In a recent open letter shared on Instagram, Home Centre expressed a poignant message, underscoring the unifying power of adversity. “Challenging times bring people closer together,” the letter reads, reflecting a sentiment of communal strength and resilience. This idea resonates deeply in the UAE, where leadership, civic bodies, businesses, and local communities have swiftly come together to offer support and aid to those in distress.

Sameer Jain, CEO of Home Centre, emphasized the emotional and physical significance of one’s home in these trying times. “We are deeply moved by the resilience and spirit of unity displayed by our community in the UAE,” he stated. “We understand how much your home means to you, and we are committed to helping you rebuild and restore your homes.”

Abdulla Mohammed Al Murad, Chairman of Channel4 Radio Network, also commented on the joint efforts, highlighting the unyielding support the partnership aims to provide. “We at Home Centre, along with the Channel4 Radio Network, are dedicated to providing unconditional assistance to those that have been affected the most.”

This campaign is more than a corporate initiative; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of the UAE community and its ability to come together in the face of adversity. As the nation continues to heal and rebuild, the “Restore, Rebuild, Renew” campaign stands as a beacon of hope and support, ensuring that no affected individual has to face the recovery process alone. With initiatives like these, Home Centre not only reinforces its corporate citizenship but also strengthens the fabric of the community it serves.

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